Sitemap - 2021 - Poke the Bear

The future of politics is geography

The struggle isn't real

Remembering Christopher Hitchens

A little ignorance of history may be a good thing

The end of Boris Johnson

In defence of the term ‘woke’

We should keep the memorials because I like them

How many cancellations make a free speech advocate?

The dysfunction of the trans debate

Obviously social media is bad for you

Electoral reform is going the wrong way

Look back in anger

Of course genes matter in social mobility

Nice politics, but where are the jokes?

You can't democratise podcasts

Absolute quality

Sympathy for the devil

Towards a better sorting hat

Another widget for the distraction economy

Hey hey, my my

Why do you hate Dominic Cummings?

The 1.6 million-dollar video game cartridge

Too hot to mangle

Hubris on West Yorkshire

The blade himself

The only thing you've done was yesterday

The mortar of cynicism

And now for something a bit different

Remembering George Floyd

Party leaders matter less than you'd think

Blunt morality

We don't have the votes

He loved the culture war

Let them subscribe to Sky Sports

Education's war crimes against the English language

The unacknowledged Test Acts

The London mayoral race is a farce

What are the British armed forces for?

The disintegrating international order

The Windsors' quest for less majesty

Linearity is underrated

Belligerent ghouls will open the schools

What's off limits for all of us

The timely death of Thomas Moore

Patriot games

The smug style of Western politics

The Republic of Northumbria

The end of the story?

Not another lockdown podcast